Visit the famous lavender fields of Provence has always been a dream. And one warm summer day boundless fields of all shades of lilac extended before the eyes. A wonderful aroma brought not only comfort, but also a risky at first glance idea: why not make lavender field in Georgia?
Lavender is a unique plant. People appreciated its beauty and useful properties from ancient times. It not only decorates gardens and parks. Lavender heals and protects us, gives us essential oil, which is used in perfumery, cosmetics, phytotherapy and cooking.
First of all, because it’s our home.
Because Georgia is located almost on the same latitude as Provence, in the subtropical zone. Also, Georgia has a long tradition of growing essential oil crops.
How it all BEGAN.
So we had an idea and now it was all up to bring it to life. We started with finding perfect plot of land. And at the end of 2014, we found it near the village of Nukriani, Sighnaghi region of Georgia. Location, area (about 5 hectares), composition of soils, exposition, relief – everything the way we wanted.
Next step was to prepare the plants. At that time in Georgia there were no nurseries that could sell lavender seedlings, so we decided to try to grow material from the seeds.
We bought lavenders seeds harvested in Chile and France and sown in peat tablets. In the spring of 2015 grown seedlings were transplanted into pots and all summer they spent in the greenhouse. And in the autumn of the same year already strengthened seedlings in the amount of about 4000 pieces moved to a prepared plantation area of 1 hectare.
Formation and care for LAVENDER PLANTATION.
All these years, we fought with weeds, cut the bushes, made up for the losses. No herbicides or fertilizers were used. Therefore, we can say with confidence that our lavender is absolutely organic and environmentally friendly. Lavender bushes in response to our efforts grew well, bloomed and pleased everyone with its fragrance. Bees were especially happy.
Delight. FESTIVAL.
Tree years later, our efforts were rewarded. Lavender blossomed in full force and the plantation acquired an adorable appearance. It was a real delight!
Inspired by this spectacle, we decided that we should share this beauty and invited everyone to visit the plantation. And on July 1, 2017, was held the first lavender festival in Georgia. Of course, something was not at the proper level, but it was our first experience.
Thanks to the festival, we met a lot of people who, like us, love this wonderful plant.
Our mission is to popularize lavender in Georgia, introduce “lavender culture” and unite all lovers of lavender.
We have a goal of giving everyone a quality and environmentally friendly products that are made on the basis of lavender, be it essential oil, sachets, soap or dried flowers. And we want to collect on our website the work of Georgian craftsmen who use lavender motifs in their works.
For everyone who wants to see our lavender field we recommend to see our site www.visitnukrianilavender.ge
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